Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas to all
Of course I can't forget to include a little Weird Al in my Christmas celebrations:
Keep watching this space.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
This beat was expensive
And let's not forget to include Jorma and Akiva.
Hey, they have a blog on blogspot and a Grammy nomination with T-Pain. Ahhh, the glories of auto-tune. Keep watching this space.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
To the asshole in Hayward, CA
That's about the time you entered my life, and Rita informed me that my debit card had declined. There's no way it should have declined. I had used it to check my balance at an ATM not more then 40 minutes earlier, everything was fine. I quickly paid with another card, feeling like some sort of deadbeat as the transaction ran through and quickly headed off to the my local bank.
I was in luck! No one was ahead of me in the drive-thru ATM. Somebody even left their card in the machine, but being the honest good Samaritan that I'am, I promptly took the card out to turn in after I checked the status of my own card. "Transaction unavailable at this time" the screen read. I tried my other card and was greeted with the familiar menu screen. WTF!? I quickly went inside, turned in the card I found and explained the difficulty I was experiencing with my card. The teller told me my card had been deactivated and I would need to speak with a banker. Deactivated? How could that be? Who deactivated it? Why did they deactivate it? What the fuck was going on here? The banker told me there was an alert on my account and after going through a series of phone calls finally reached the right department and handed me the phone and was asked a series of questions regarding my identity and recent purchases, to which I answered; "Yes, I made a purchase at a McDonald's. Yes I also accessed an ATM. NO FUCKING WAY DID I SPEND 200 DOLLARS AT A TARGET IN HAYWARD, CALIFUCKINGFORNIA!!!".
So here we are, I'm waiting for my bank to send me a new debit card and to credit me back my stolen money. I hope you had a wonderful Black Friday and enjoy those two $100 Target gift cards you bought with my debit card info. I don't know how you got it or why the cashier at the Target couldn't be bothered to ask for some I.D. before finalizing the transaction. I do know however, that you are racking up some serious points against you in life, and that this little jaunt into identity theft will eventually catch up with you some day. Hopefully on that day, you'll be with your two hundred pound cellmate, nicknamed 'Dolla' and he'll have his dick so far up your ass that it tickles the back of your throat. Maybe you'll think to yourself, as your poop deck gets swabbed, "I wonder if this is how all those people I stole from felt like when they found out they got robbed?". My answer is "NO!!!", we feel worse asshole! Happy Holidays you prick. I ope 'Dolla' donkey punches your ass.
Keep watching this space.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thanks a lot
Thanksgiving is finally upon us. This time tomorrow must of us will be in turkey induced comas with visions of Festivus dancing in our heads, but before we reach that point, I feel I should list many of the things I'm thankful for, in no particular order:
My wife...Yeah I know I'm sorted of obligated to be thankful.
My son...guI ess.
My dog...for being able to sleep through the night.
My parents...for making me possible.
My mother and father-in-law...for driving my wife insane with their antics.
My brother and sister-in-law...for keeping me entertained and helping with Dean Christopher's room.
My niece...for annoying my wife.
My friends who don't have kids...don't ever have any, I'm getting too old to keep a gaggle of children amused.
My friends with kids...for all their help with getting us prepared for having a kid of our own.
The kids of my friends...for living far away from me and giving me a breather.
My relatives who I don't talk to...for not making me feel guilty for not talking to them more often.
My work...for keeping me employed, especially during this bitch slap of a year.
Kaiser Permanente...for delivering Dean Christopher.
The guy who invented pumpkin pie...without you our world would be over run with giant orange gourds.
Turkeys...for being delicious.
Rita and the Comics-N-Stuff on Plaza Blvd...for supplying me with my weekly fix for all these years and the accompanying 30% discount.
Microsoft...for the Xbox, Halo games,and Gears of War games that have robbed me of many hours of sleep.
My two followers listed on my blog...I know there are more than 2 people out there who are reading this but you 2 are my favorites.
The other people who secretly and passively read this blog...for having nothing better to due at 3 am then to read the nonsensical ramblings of a closet narcissist.
Twitter...for helping me to spread my nonsensical, narcissistic ramblings through cyber-space.
Facebook...for giving my wife's friends a way to follow my nonsensical narcissistic ramblings.
The US military...for keeping us safe and helping to make this country a force for good in the world.
The founding fathers...for making a country that is the greatest instrument of good on the planet.
Republicans...for trying to show us the real world.
Democrats...for their naivete and ability to make me laugh.
The Internet...for giving me access to the funniest Thanksgiving themed TV episode ever;
And finally thanks to God...for making all of this possible.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Keep watching this space.
Monday, November 23, 2009
I have no idea what this is
I figured out where I've seen this before.
Awesome! That means real lightsabers are just around the corner. Then scientists can discover midichlorians and I can force choke the assholes who cut me off on the freeway. Ain't the future grand?
Keep watching this space.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
M,O,O,N, that spells gay
I remember when vampires and werewolves used to be bad assed, blood thirsty, vicious monsters. Now they're all emo, with sparkly glitter skin, that transform in to cute snarling puppies.
Thanks a lot Anne Rice, this is all your fault. Keep watching this space.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Auto Tunesday
So apparently Auto-Tune is all the rage now and I'm doing my part to help beat it into the ground by spreading the message. Here is one of my favorites, enjoy:
Hope you enjoyed this, my 50th post, as much as I enjoyed the hours of prep it took to put this one together. Actually, I just threw this up here during the commercial breaks of V. God I'm lazy.
Keep watching this space.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
You learn something new every day
Keep watching this space.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The birth of a Bridge
Flash forward to November 6, 1999 and I'm hanging out in the waiting area at Mary Birch Hospital with my still girlfriend and our friends. Scratch that, they weren't friends anymore, they were family. If you are still hanging out with the people you knew since middle school, heck some of them knew each other since elementary, and you're waiting for hours while one of you is expecting their first kid you stop being friends and automatically become family. Sure as time goes on you might not hang out with each other as much as you used to, life has a habit of getting in the way, but you're still there for each other when the big moments happen, good or bad, and that is something that has always defined my group of friends. No matter what, we would always be there for each other and that love would extend to each other's children as well.
So finally, after god knows how long our friend comes out, tears still fresh on his face, to let us know that his wife, yes they got married a month earlier and yes he cried at that too, puss; delivered a beautiful baby girl. Everyone cheered, hugged, patted him on the back, congratulated him, and happily went to visit the new little bundle of joy and the exhausted wife. And there they were the new little family, tired, a little scared and overwhelmed, but relieved that it was all over and knowing that everything was going to be all right because they had the most important thing in the world. The love and support of family.
So I would like to take this moment to wish Bridget a happy tenth birthday. I hope your parents get you some new glasses and just know that the real reason they call you "Bridge" is because you were conceived under a bridge, most likely the Coronado Bridge, while listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Yes, your parents were freaks back in the day, and they loved you very, very much for two years until your little sister Cadyn came along. Now they just tolerate you. I hope you had an adequate birthday.
Love always,
Druncle Bert
Keep watching this space.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A dingo ate my baby
Monday, October 12, 2009
One week later...
It was about 8 o'clock when my wife called with those fateful words that would change my life forever; "Don't panic, but I think my water broke and I'm heading to the hospital right now." I hung up the phone, looked at my computer screen and thought; "Damn! He was supposed to wait until my day off on Friday." Already my son was ruining all of my best laid plans.
Twenty minutes later, I'm on the freeway, heading home to pick up my father-in-law, who was left behind because nobody wanted to leave Barney alone until he had done his morning business. I get home, let Barney out, who was sooo excited to see me home so early that he decides to take an extra long time go to the bathroom. During this time I'm calling my wife to get an update and find out that she is now feeling contractions. Finally, Barney drops a number 2 pencil, I take him home grab my father-in-law and head to the place in which I would spend the next 12 hours waiting to finally meet the little bugger that had made my wife miserable for the past 39 weeks.
The hospital was about five minutes away from sending my wife home. They couldn't find any signs that her water had broken and her contractions were not significant enough to admit her. Still, they decided to check her cervix and were surprised to find out that she was dilated 5cm. BOOM, instant admission. They tell her to strip to her birthday suit, throw on the paper robe and follow the nurse to the room where I would witness things that no man should ever see happen to his wife.
We sat bored out of our minds waiting for something to happen in that room. Sure, occasionally a nurse or midwife would come in and to talk to us in medicalese that made no sense at all to us. They would have been better of just saying "Banana, banana, banana" to us and just save us the confusion and worry. I think we also went through five shift changes, all of which seemed to start with the new nurse asking whether my wife would be having an epidural despite that it was written in big letters on the white board in the room or was already done three hours ago. Little medical fun fact: "Those who work in the medical profession are some of the worst organized people in the world and have absolutely horrible memories." Every time they came into the room it was like we were meeting them for the first time. Lucky for all of us they are quick learners.
My wife started pushing at about 8 pm, twelve hours after she had called me at work. By this point in time I was thinking maybe I could watch our usual Monday night shows while wait and flipped the TV over to watch Heroes, bummed that I didn't set my DVR to record House and the hospital didn't carry ESPN so I missed the Vikings/Packers game. I soon learned that its impossible to watch crappy sci-fi melodrama while a nurse is telling your wife to push while you're helping to push her knee towards her chest. So add Heroes, as well as Two and a Half Men to my ever growing list of shows I missed on Monday night.
I also learned that it is hard to maintain your focus and composure when you wife has everything on display, in a position that the Kama Sutra would deem as to vile, while everyone in the room is chanting "PUSH, PUSH, PUSH". Everyone that is except the mother-in-law whose heavy Filipino accent makes it sound like she was chanting "PUSS, PUSS, PUSS" and that is what greeted little Dean Christopher when he came into this world. A little Filipino lady calling her daughter, his mom, a "puss".
Tune in next time when I describe the aftermath as well as the first meeting between Barney and his new chew toy, aka Dean Christopher. Plus some pics of the little hairy monkey child. If you can't wait to see him just check my twitter feed, otherwise keep watching this space.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Holy days are here again
Wow!!! Two holy fathers for the price of one! Maybe the guy in the next story can go to the papal tumor for help in getting his prayers answered.
Now I know what God is doing when the Raiders are playing. Keep watching this space.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
That boy ain't right.

Keep watching this space.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Best BertDay weekend ever
You can bet I'll be humming this all season as Al Davis continues to draw breath.
Keep watching this space.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Dog days of summer

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Alan Moore and Frank Miller killed the comic book industry

Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009
The origins of Bert
I do have one theory about the name's origin. The Disney channel used to show the things called cartoons, you know before all the Hanna Montana's Suite Life with Wizards of High School Musical crap that they now show ad nauseum . Anyway, one of the short toons they would air between shows was "Lambert the Sheepish Lion" and since my last name happens to be Lamb it was a simple way to make fun of my name. Problem is it never really bothered me. I pretty much can handle name calling and usually was able get back at bullies, typically by kicking them in the nuts and running away like a little school girl, but I digress. I guess Tim really liked the cartoon but it took too long to say the name and he liked calling over to me by going "BERTBERTBERT" which got further shrunk to just Bert.
Of course I have fully embraced the nickname, all my in-laws refer to me as Bert and it is very discomforting any time they say my real name. Even my mom will sometimes refer to me as Bert. So feel free to call me Bert, Bertrude, Berticus, or Mr. Most Awesomest Monkey Fighting Bad Ass That Has or Ever Will Lived.
One more thing. Every time I mention the cartoon, people look at me as if I just crapped on their chest. Apparently no one has ever watched cartoons, the Disney Channel, or have had their minds wiped in an insidious plot to make me look ridiculous. Well, since a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous and thanks to the wonders of the Internet, I give you from 1952 the academy award nominated short Lambert the Sheepish Lion:
Keep watching this space.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
YouTube Tuesday
I first heard of Blomkamp about three years ago when rumors of a proposed Peter Jackson Halo movie were running rampant. Jackson wanted Neill, a South African filmmaker with no major motion picture directing experience, to direct the film. I suppose its understandable that the studio balked at the idea of handing a major franchise Halo to a first time director, but he did have the backing of Oscar winning director Peter Jackson and Microsoft as well as some very impressive short films and commercials, including one that would lead to a major box office success and my favorite film of the year so far.
First up is a commercial for Citroen, which features a car turning into a robot that looks like a robot for an amount far below what Michael Bay paid for his overblown Transformer designs:
I think this next one is my favorite of his and I hope he adapts it into a full length picture. If it bombs here it would definitely make a bank in Japan. Its called Tetra Vaal which has to be Afrikaans for ASS KICKING POLICE BOTS:
Its Robocop for the 21st century.
Here's the film that inspired a little film that's out in theaters right now making all sorts of money and basically saying "F*CK YOU!" to Hollywood for having so little in his abilities despite his obvious talent:
So whats a guy to do when a major studio gets cold feet and starts pulling back from making a film adaptation to one of the best shooters of all time. You get together with Microsoft and create a series of promotional videos to tease the release of a new Halo game and to show the studios how much ass a live action Halo film would kick if they would just let him do it. Seriously, I want him to make Halo after seeing this:
Ah, what could have been.
Well I hoped you enjoyed this look at the talented career of Neill Blomkamp. I'm positive you'll hear more from him in the years to come. If you want to look at some more of his early stuff go check out Also, go out and see District 9, you won't regret it, unless you take little kids with you. They might not go to sleep ever again, or turn into lame bloggers who have obsessed about the short films of a South African filmmaker for the past three years, hoping to one day see the big screen exploits of one of their favorite video game heroes, but ultimately getting hurt and betrayed by a movie system would rather get a shitty movie made by a shitty director with more Hollywood experience then a truly visionary new talent.
Oh, and Ted Kennedy has died.
Keep watching this space.
Monday, August 24, 2009
This is what a budget of $170 mil gets you:
So which do you think works better as a villain in a multi million dollar action movie that's designed to start a franchise that sells billions of dollars worth of merchandise?
Would be world conquering bad ass:
Or ass-hat:
I'll let you decide. Keep watching this space.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Another of life's milestones has finished
Its funny however, I was so worried about not having enough food, only to find out we had way too much food and all I had to eat was one cheeseburger (thanks Chris for cooking them, you're the bert) and a couple pieces of lumpia. I didn't even have any of the food that I grilled. I am told that everyone loved the lemon lime tequila chicken from Costco that I heated up. That's right, I am the next Food Network star bitches. Hell even my dog at more than me. Next time I'm paying some people from Home Depot to do all the cooking for me. Who wants fajitas?
So, whats next? Finishing that damn nursery. Why did I ever agree to install laminate flooring? Maybe I can convince the man who wanders our neighborhood looking like a bum, and scaring my wife and dog, to do all the work. I think that would be perfectly fine with the little lady, who's not so little anymore. I'm so getting punched in the stomach later. That's OK though, now that she's bigger then me I can easily outrun her, so I should be safe til after Thanksgiving.
Now I'm off to lather my burnt body in a tub of aloe. One of these days I'll get to my rant about G.I. Joe: The Rise of Vomit. Keep watching this space.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
For Sara,
Anyway, I promised to update this site and I have met that obligation. I also promised an answer to the riddle I asked last month. If you forgot it you can find it here. So, without further adieu scroll down for the answer to the most awesome riddle you've ever read.
Its simple really, you ask which door would your brother tell me to take and you simply chose the other door. The brother who tells the truth knows his brother would lie and tell you the wrong door. The brother who lies, knows his brother would tell you the right door, but since your dealing with a liar he would obviously lie about which door his truth telling brother would pick. The end result is that both brothers would point to the wrong door so you should pick the one not selected and go on your merry way. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
Next time, I'll rant about how Hollywood continues to ruin my childhood. So keep watching this space.
Friday, July 17, 2009
In brightest day, in blackest night,

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Riddle me this
You're in a room with two doors, one marked "A" the other marked "B". The room also contains two identical twin brothers, who are also dressed exactly the same and know everything about each other. On the wall is a sign that explains that one door leads to freedom, while the other leads to immediate and painful death. The sign also explains the two brothers know which door leads to freedom and which leads to death. However, it also says that one brother always tells the truth, while the other always tells a lie. In order to choose the correct door you are allowed to ask one brother, and one brother only, just one question. What question do you ask to determine which door leads to your freedom?
Well, good luck. I might give you the answer tomorrow. More likely I'll post it in a month or two. Hey, you never know.
Keep watching this space.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Where is my mind?

Also saw Star Trek. Loved it, despite a few serious plot holes, still it was a good popcorn flick. My biggest problem with it however is the set design. Look at how clean and futuristic the bridge of the Enterprise looks. Now take a look at the engine room of Starfleet's most advanced starship:

Alright, that's not really the engine room, its a picture of the Budweiser brewery I think. Still, its an accurate representation of the engine room. Oh well, at least the rest of the movie entertained me.
Also saw Wolverine...meh, Terminator...much better than part three, Arnold's cameo was pretty cool. You know, in about ten years they might not need to use real actors anymore. Especially if Pixar continues to make films like UP. Thank god I saw it in 3D, the glasses covered up my red tear filled eyes. Curse you Pixar and your films of emotional terrorism.
Finally, I am amazed at how far our technology has progressed. At E3 this year, Microsoft introduced Project Natal, a motion capture device that may revolutionize how video games will be played. This thing makes the Wii look like Pong. Of course this is assuming that the developers can deliver on their promises. Still, if it works half as well as they advertise its going to be awesome.

Keep watching this space.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Obama, friends with mutant terrorists
I can't say I'm too surprised to hear that President Obama is an advocate of mutant equality, he did pal around with Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, aka mutant terrorist Magneto, back in the 70s. I knew his political inexperience and his belief that you could negotiate with those who would see us dead would get us into big trouble down the line. I just hope that I'm wrong, but I fear that the President's actions today may have sent us down a road where we are slaves to the so called homo-superior. I say we just round them all up and send them to San Francisco with all the other freaks and weirdos. If we survive the coming genetic war keep watching this space.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Worst cold ever.
This might be my last post ever after my wife reads the above paragraph so I will leave you now with a little bit of 80s nostalgia.
Keep watching this space.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Today I surprised my mom with a little mother's day visit. I'm such a bad son that I hardly ever visit or call her. Still, she was incredibly happy to see me and made me promise to call more. I also have to find some wedding photos for my grandma for the frame we gave her.
That about sums up any news from the weekend. Have to get ready for dinner at PF Chang's tonight . Hope you have a good Mother's Day and in honor of this weekends dinner cruise with the Lees here is a little bit of The Lonely Island for you. Keep watching this space.
Monday, April 20, 2009
What a dumb dog
As promised from an earlier post, I present to you a video about a dog and a ball. Without further adieu, Ruffis:
Keep watching this space.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Late night musings
Anyways, I just heard this bit of shocking new from the Onion:
Apparently no one is safe from this sour economy. I hear Lexcorp's quarterly earnings have posted a better than expected gain in profits though. I guess it pays to be evil.
I probably shouldn't blog at 12:30 in the morning. Keep watching thi...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 goats
Keep watching this space.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Keep watching this space.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
He's got the biggest balls of them all!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Just what the hell is Twitter anyway?
BEWARE THE FAIL WHALE! Oh, and don't forget, keep watching this space.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Move over dogs playing poker

I don't know which I like more, the classiness of the predator enjoying a snifter of brandy and a game of chess, or the alien smoking a cigarette and having a beer. If only the two AVP movies were this cool. You can find out more about these pics here.
Keep watching this space.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The first two videos are from my favorite Celtic punk band Flogging Molly. I always play them on St. Patrick's day just to make it feel more festive. It always make me wish that I'm in a pub with a pint instead of driving around doing my job.
And now in honor of St Paddy's American upbringing here are the Dropkick Murphys.
And finally, a song that's viewed as being uniquely Irish, written by a Brit, and sung by two good ol boy Yanks