Also saw Star Trek. Loved it, despite a few serious plot holes, still it was a good popcorn flick. My biggest problem with it however is the set design. Look at how clean and futuristic the bridge of the Enterprise looks. Now take a look at the engine room of Starfleet's most advanced starship:

Alright, that's not really the engine room, its a picture of the Budweiser brewery I think. Still, its an accurate representation of the engine room. Oh well, at least the rest of the movie entertained me.
Also saw Wolverine...meh, Terminator...much better than part three, Arnold's cameo was pretty cool. You know, in about ten years they might not need to use real actors anymore. Especially if Pixar continues to make films like UP. Thank god I saw it in 3D, the glasses covered up my red tear filled eyes. Curse you Pixar and your films of emotional terrorism.
Finally, I am amazed at how far our technology has progressed. At E3 this year, Microsoft introduced Project Natal, a motion capture device that may revolutionize how video games will be played. This thing makes the Wii look like Pong. Of course this is assuming that the developers can deliver on their promises. Still, if it works half as well as they advertise its going to be awesome.

Keep watching this space.