Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Playing hooky

Apparently its the end of the world down in good ol' sunny southern CA, so I decided to spend at least one day home from work before the tornadoes, thunderstorms, and great balls of flaming death rain down upon us. You know, there's just something relaxing about staying home on a rainy day, especially when you get to go get a tuna melt with the family at the Broken Yolk. I hear tomorrow the earth is going open wide and swallow us whole. Could be worse, at least I'm not this guy:

I have no reason to watch NBC anymore. I hope Conan kicks Leno's ass in the ratings when he returns this fall with a new show. Go team Coco.

Keep watching this space.

1 comment:

NobodyDoesn'tLike said...

I love your hooky story...rainy days with the family are the best. You have a family now dude!!! that sounds weird...but I like it =)
I think NBC is making a HUGE mistake. I heard he had a great monologue last night...I missed it and they said on the radio that NBC took it off Hulu. I will for sure be watching tonight. Go team Coco!