Sunday, October 31, 2010
Truly my favorite time of the year. Can't wait to take Dean out so I can get me...I mean him...some free candy. Till then I'll get in the mood with some holiday themed YouTube clips. Enjoy!
For those of you looking for something a little more blood curdling I have to recommend Trick 'r Treat, the best Halloween movie made in years.
Keep watching this space.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
One year later...
One year ago today, Dean Christopher was born, details of which can be found here. In one year he went from loud, messy, drooling pink monster to an even louder, messier, and droolier pink monster with an afro. Its been a long, trying, and tiring year, filled with baby spit up, poopy diapers, and a jealous dog. I wouldn't have it any other way. Happy birthday you little brat, now hurry up and make your papa some money.
Keep watching this space.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Autumn Wind
The music from those films was pretty good too.
Keep watching this space, if there is no football on TV.
And what better gift for my birthday then to watch NFL football. Well, maybe a better gift would be to watch the Raiders game on TV, lousy CBS decided that the Broncos game was a better choice. Add that to the list of why the Broncos suck. So I hope all of you out there enjoy my birthday and remember that everything you do today is in tribute to me.
Keep watching this space.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
We're sorry, but your baby is ugly
Dean doesn't like to lose. Luckily for him, he doesn't listen to Star 94.1, so he'll never know that he didn't make it to round two of the cutest baby contest, unless he decides to read my blog. Of course that's just crazy, because he can't read. Even if he could, he wouldn't be reading this drivel. No one does.
Oh well, at least I found a new band to cheer me up during this time of loss. It features the vocal talents of one Jesse Q. Harnell, you kids might know him better as Wakko Warner from the Animaniacs. He's now the lead singer of Rock Sugar and believe me, its pure sugar to the ears. Enjoy.
Keep watching this space.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Baby's Gotta Eat
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Some finale thoughts
Unless you were living in some alternate dimension, awaiting to go to your final reward inside some Unitarian church in Hollywood, you might have noticed that Lost had their final episode on Sunday. After six years of riddles wrapped in enigmas and smoke monsters, that for some reason sounded a NYC taxi cab receipt printer, the story wrapped itself in a nice little bow; they all died. All questions finally answered and now we can go on with our lives, except what about Walt, Dharma, Hanso, the various temples and statues on the island, not to mention the weird ass stone cork keeping the island afloat, I mean WTF?
Don't get me wrong, I loved the scenes with everyone in limbo or whatever finding each other and accepting that their lives, maybe even careers, are over. It was a nice send off for the characters, but what about the overall mythology of the series. I understand the concept of Hitchcock's Mcguffin, you know the item that only exists to propel the plot forward, but the island wasn't some throw away item that only existed in the background to drive the motivations of the characters. Over the course of six years it became an important character that deserved the same amount of closure that the main characters got. Don't leave key questions unanswered. Then again maybe the show was nothing but a prequel to Fantasy Island, with Hurley as Mr. Roarke and Ben as Tattoo. Who knows, maybe the Simpsons were right and it was just the dog's dream, he was in the final shot with Jack.
This brings me to another series finale that intentionally leads to a potential movie in the future, 24. Was it unbelievable at times and constantly use the same plot points over and over? Yes. But, it had the most awesome character created in the last ten years, Jack Bauer. Here was a show that no matter how unbelievable it got, managed to maintain its watch ability, because you truly care about Jack Bauer. You knew when you watched it, that eventually Jack would right every wrong and save the world yet again. Every season of 24 ended with the world being safe, except for this last season, in which the world is even more messed up then it was when the season started. It truly is a good segue into a movie and Mr. Bauer is a character that will hopefully be on our movie screens for years to come. Maybe they'll make a Bond vs. Bauer movie. That'd be sweet.
By the way, here is the best series finale ever, followed by some cats, enjoy:
Keep watching this space until the next hot new show debuts.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Keep watching this space.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
For Bug
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Happy Census Day
Well, I better go mail the form off now so they don't send me more junk mail reminding me to complete my form. I love how they tell us not to waste paper but spend billions of dollars wasting paper.
Keep watching this space.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Crackhead Leprechauns
Sunday, March 14, 2010
A cautionary tale
Hey! They forgot a verse, oh well, hopefully they do Dreamgirl next.
Keep watching this space.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Team Coco
Sunday, February 28, 2010
You're a winner!
Keep watching this space.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Happy Birthday, Mister President Part 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
But what about the News?
So why do I dislike this new take on a classic icon in pop culture? Three words; no Huey Lewis. Thankfully, Jimmy Kimmel has decided to rectify this problem.
Keep watching this space.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Once upon a time in Mexico
One more story from Steve, in honor of Lent and all my fellow Catholics out there who also love baseball and hate communists:
Keep watching this space.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Hey, Ash-hole
Keep watching this space.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Who Dat?
Carrie Underwood is wrapping up so I gotta go see if Drew Brees can pull off the upset. Glad the Chargers got rid of him. Oh well, at least they still have LT. What? Too soon. I think he would look good in silver and black though. Keep watching this space.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
And the wiener is...
Of the ten films nominated I've seen four; Avatar(which is thoroughly enjoyable but overrated, also the most likely to win. The Academy loves Cameron and they love Dances with Wolves), District 9(my favorite film of the year, why Shartlo Copely wasn't nominated for best actor is a mystery to me. Still it would be awesome if it won, even better if it won for visual effects. Hell, the film was made for under 40 million and has some effects that are just as good, if not better then the 250 million dollar blockbuster.), Inglourious Basterds(cool movie, even though it suffers from Quentin's love of overly drawn out monologues disguised as conversations between two characters. Man he sure does love to hear himself speak, I hate people who ramble on and on, all the while trying to seem cooler and more intellectual then they really are, and...uh... but I digress. Its still a fun movie.), and finally there's Up(Pixar continues to amaze me with great movie after great movie. Maybe they'll finally disappoint me next year with Toy Story 3, though I doubt it. Its a sure fire win for animated movie of the year so its inclusion in this category is to make those adults who cried in the theaters feel justified because its okay to cry at a beautiful work of art. Right?). Of the remaining films on the list only The Blindside, The Hurt Locker, and Up in the Air appeal to me and will wind up on my Netflix list, the other three will be thrown onto the ash heap of film history for me.
So let the Oscar pools begin, my prediction is its either going to be Avatar or The Hurt Locker, I find it a little amusing that the directors of those two films use to be married to each other, Hollywood really is a small enclosed community.
Well enough with crappy big budgeted flicks, Lost is coming on and I need to pee, that's right I said it, I'm not ashamed to say it. Keep watching this space.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
A strange thing happened this weekend
I have since discovered that this yellow ball of flaming death is referred to as the "sun" and is pretty common over the skies of San Diego, although for the life of me I can't remember ever seeing it before. It doesn't really matter because I have been reassured by our ace meteorologists that our familiar rain clouds will return this week and help to drive away this oppressive monstrous fire object in the sky. Maybe someone should let the President know about this, for all we know it could be an Al Qeada trick.
On a final note, I'm glad to see that my prediction of a Colts-Saints Superbowl has come true. I have no idea who to root for. Should I cheer on Peyton with his "awe shucks" attitude and insane selling abilities or should I go for the obvious underdogs and cheer on Drew so that he can continue the tradition of former Chargers' players going to and winning the Superbowl. At least I have 2 weeks to decide. Thank God they moved the Pro-Bowl before the Superbowl. There's nothing like a totally meaningless game before the biggest of the year.
Keep watching this space. Who knows maybe I'll live blog next week's game. Yeah right, like I want to be the one person in America who watches that dirge.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Playing hooky
I have no reason to watch NBC anymore. I hope Conan kicks Leno's ass in the ratings when he returns this fall with a new show. Go team Coco.
Keep watching this space.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Dances with Thundersmurfs
Keep watching this space.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Jumping on the Bandwagon
My reasoning for this controversial selection is quite simple; I want a new football stadium in the city of San Diego. I love the fact that we have football here in San Diego and if the city doesn't build a new stadium then that means the Chargers will bolt for LA and the new stadium being built in the City of Industry. I do not want to have to take my son up to LA in order for him to see the Raiders play. I just don't want to drive that far on a Sunday.
The way I see it, the Padres got their new ballpark when they went to the World Series. Since they didn't win, the whole project was threatened by numerous legal actions and city wide votes but eventually they built the damned thing and downtown has become a nice place to hang out. If the Chargers go to the Superbowl, they get that much closer to having a new stadium, but they still need to win the big game. See, unlike in 1996 when the Padres failed, San Diego 2010 is facing large financial problems, and there are more people in the city who do not want the city to waste money on a building that a small portion of the population would use. They would much rather spend that money on libraries, you know places everyone wants to go to. So in order for the new stadium to be built without countless legal challenges is for the Chargers to win the whole damn thing and if it takes me cheering them on in order for it to happen then I'll swallow my pride and take one for the team.
So there it is. For the first time in my life I will root for the San Diego Super Chargers to finally get their rings and as an added bonus a new stadium for me to take my son to every time the Raiders come to town. Hopefully by then, the team will have more going for them then just McFadden. So go Chargers, we're all counting on you. Don't give me another reason to hate you more then I already do.
By the way, they should play this video at every home game from now and till the end of time and gives me more of a reason to support the home team.
Now wave to your mom. She's in the stands. Keep watching this space. Go Chargers!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
2010, the year the laughter died
Keep watching this space, and the Simpsons every Sunday at 8pm on Fox.