So its Oscar time again. That wonderful time of year when Hollywood's sense of self importance inflates to near epic proportions. This year however, the Academy has decided to nominate 10 films, instead of the traditional 5, for best picture in an attempt to insure their viewers have at least seen some of the nominated films as well as make-up for the fact they totally robbed
The Dark Knight last year. I think they should call the show this year Oscar: The Quest for Ratings.
Of the ten films nominated I've seen four;
Avatar(which is thoroughly enjoyable but overrated, also the most likely to win. The Academy loves Cameron and they love
Dances with Wolves),
District 9(my favorite film of the year, why Shartlo Copely wasn't nominated for best actor is a mystery to me. Still it would be awesome if it won, even better if it won for visual effects. Hell, the film was made for under 40 million and has some effects that are just as good, if not better then the 250 million dollar blockbuster.),
Inglourious Basterds(cool movie, even though it suffers from Quentin's love of overly drawn out monologues disguised as conversations between two characters. Man he sure does love to hear himself speak, I hate people who ramble on and on, all the while trying to seem cooler and more intellectual then they really are, and...uh... but I digress. Its still a fun movie.), and finally there's
Up(Pixar continues to amaze me with great movie after great movie. Maybe they'll finally disappoint me next year with
Toy Story 3, though I doubt it. Its a sure fire win for animated movie of the year so its inclusion in this category is to make those adults who cried in the theaters feel justified because its okay to cry at a beautiful work of art. Right?). Of the remaining films on the list only
The Blindside, The Hurt Locker, and
Up in the Air appeal to me and will wind up on my Netflix list, the other three will be thrown onto the ash heap of film history for me.
So let the Oscar pools begin, my prediction is its either going to be
Avatar or
The Hurt Locker, I find it a little amusing that the directors of those two films use to be married to each other, Hollywood really is a small enclosed community.
Well enough with crappy big budgeted flicks, Lost is coming on and I need to pee, that's right I said it, I'm not ashamed to say it. Keep watching this space.