Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mister President

Its kind of interesting that two of history's most influential men were born 200 years ago today. Charles Darwin, the father of evolutionary theory, and Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the US. Two great intellectuals whose contributions are still felt today. However, I think there is only one that is truly deserving of reverence and respect.

Charles Darwin would go on to change the way people view their place in the universe, while Abraham Lincoln would help reunite a broken country and finally destroy the evil of slavery. Darwin's theories would go on to influence scientists for generations and give rise to the birth of eugenics. Lincoln's policies would lead a young nation on the path to greatness and give a race of people the chance at life. Darwin gave us whiny atheists and influenced the Nazis. Lincoln sacrificed his life and the lives of hundreds of thousands to give us the country, and by extension the world, we live in today.

So on this day I would like to thank you Mr. President and wish you a happy birthday. Your life will continue to inspire countless generations to achieve greatness and strive to make the world a better place. There is one thing that I do worry about when it comes to the legacy of Abraham Lincoln. I just hope that a thousand years from now, man knows enough about how to repair holodecks and spare the world and universe from the ravages of EVIL HOLOGRAPHIC LINCOLN!!!

Keep watching this space.

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