Thursday, February 18, 2010

Once upon a time in Mexico

Many years ago while listening to Dave, Shelly, and Chainsaw, God I wish they were still on the air, they had a guest named Steve Poltz. During the course of the interview he proceeded to tell the funniest damn story I have ever heard about a trip to Vegas, David Cassidy, and the great thing about music royalties. Well according to Jay of the Mikey Show, Steve will be on the show tomorrow. Now while I'm sad he won't be on the DSC, he always killed in those interviews, I'm stoked that he'll be on the air tomorrow to tell some more wonderful stories like the one you'll hear in the following clips. Trust me, you do not want to miss his interview, the guy tells one hell of a story. Plus he dated Jewel.

One more story from Steve, in honor of Lent and all my fellow Catholics out there who also love baseball and hate communists:

Keep watching this space.

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