Friday, July 17, 2009

In brightest day, in blackest night,

According to Variety, Ryan Reynolds has been signed to play Hal Jordan in the upcoming Green Lantern film, and while I'm a fan of Reynolds' work, I think this is a horrible call. While he is perfect for a character like Deadpool, and I seriously hope that the Merc with a Mouth's rumored movie gets made, I think his acting style maybe a little too comedic for Hal.
I'm kind of afraid that he'll do Hal as a parody of James T. Kirk instead of the cool, fearless, and cocky test pilot that us geeks have grown to love.
Why not Nathan Fillion, Ben Browder, or David Boreanaz? The first two have starred in sci-fi story's before so it would be old hat for them, and Boreanaz has already done the voice for Hal in the New Frontier movie. Plus they look like Hal. Of course if I had my choice of the three I would have to go with Browder, since he's got the look and he basically already played the character in Farscape. Just slap a power ring on him and Crichton is the embodiment of every one's favorite emerald guardian.
I will admit though that I have been horribly wrong before about casting decisions in comic book movies before. I was absolutely horrified when I first heard that Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker. I guess that's why I'm not a rich movie producer in Hollywood.
Well enough with the nerd rant. Keep watching this space.

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