Sunday, January 24, 2010

A strange thing happened this weekend

So, I leave my house with the dog in tow for his usual Saturday morning poop-a-thon when our eyes are assaulted by a blinding white light. I quickly don the eye shades and notice that the sky has this strange color to it, I think people refer to it as "blue". Anyways, the clouds seemed scattered here and there, as if they were running from something. My eyes focus on the object of the clouds' terror and the source of the blinding light, a big ball of fire was smack dab in the middle of the sky. What the hell is this? Where are all our dark friendly rain clouds? Why the hell is it so hot?

I have since discovered that this yellow ball of flaming death is referred to as the "sun" and is pretty common over the skies of San Diego, although for the life of me I can't remember ever seeing it before. It doesn't really matter because I have been reassured by our ace meteorologists that our familiar rain clouds will return this week and help to drive away this oppressive monstrous fire object in the sky. Maybe someone should let the President know about this, for all we know it could be an Al Qeada trick.

On a final note, I'm glad to see that my prediction of a Colts-Saints Superbowl has come true. I have no idea who to root for. Should I cheer on Peyton with his "awe shucks" attitude and insane selling abilities or should I go for the obvious underdogs and cheer on Drew so that he can continue the tradition of former Chargers' players going to and winning the Superbowl. At least I have 2 weeks to decide. Thank God they moved the Pro-Bowl before the Superbowl. There's nothing like a totally meaningless game before the biggest of the year.

Keep watching this space. Who knows maybe I'll live blog next week's game. Yeah right, like I want to be the one person in America who watches that dirge.

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